At present, a transformation is taking place, with linear drives taking the area of pneumatic and hydraulic drives. Here, there is no longer any scope for measuring pressure. However, WIKA has another solution: Force measurement.
Hydraulic or pneumatic cylinders are increasingly being replaced by electrical propulsion technology. Because of this, however, it’s important to implement force measurement using force transducers/force sensors. Force measurement through pressure measurement in a hydraulic unit or pneumatics isn’t possible. An average example for this is linear drives.
Force measurement: the initial situation
A linear drive is a drive system leading to a translational movement. Machine elements or system parts are accelerated in a straight line. It makes sense to provide force measurement such drives, since a transformational change is currently happening: Hydraulically and pneumatically powered drive elements are receiving replaced with a variety of electric motor and mechanical thrust units. These modern drive systems are kept simple via modular systems but can, nevertheless, be adapted to individual customer applications with little effort. In addition they feature a advanced of versatility. However, Accuse is not any longer possible here.
Force measurement: the advantages
This change offers the perfect opportunity to measure forces directly in the process. Force measurement can be used with practically any linear drive. For the precise measurement of the forces, it doesn?t matter where within the force flow the force transducer is integrated. This is often directly on the motor, on the actuator or at the idea of force application. Force could be identified reliably at any point in the force flow.
The F2301 force transducers are ideal for force measurement in linear drives
Force measurement: WIKA products in application
For force measurement, thin-film sensors from WIKA?s volume production are used, which are welded onto the measuring tubes of the force transducers. This is also one of the reasons why tecsis, as the force measurement specialist within the group, is renowned for innovative quality solutions in metrology and sensor technology. With the different force transducer solutions, from the typical to the miniature tension and compression force transducers, the optimum solution can be found for every application. This may involve controlling joining forces on electrically powered spindle presses, or monitoring the overload protection in lifting cylinders. The robotic arms of gripping and clamping robots and punches, presses and welding tongs can be measured. With the successful application for the EU ?Clean Sky 2? project, the sensors also meet the extremely high safety requirements of the aviation industry.
Contrary , our quality standards, our production sites: You will find more detailed home elevators the subject of force measurement on the WIKA website and in our flyer.